To proclaim the inherent value of human life from conception to natural death

Did you know that Lethbridge Pro-life does more than just put up billboards and bus signs? We care for our community by:
Working with the Knights of Columbus to provide a place of mourning for the preborn at the cemeteries in Lethbridge.
Providing multiple scholarships to students going on to post-secondary education
Covering the registration costs of post-secondary students who need to access certain daycares
Providing schools and Homeschooled families with education resources
Gifting agencies who care for mothers and babies needed supplies, such as diapers and wipes
Supporting food banks and school clubs

Every year, Lethbridge Pro-Life presents Scholarships for High School and Post-Secondary students.
Scholarships are for students in the Lethbridge and District Pro-Life Association area (north to Nanton/Vulcan; east to the Saskatchewan Border; south to the U.S. border and west to the B.C. border) who have proven leadership in encouraging respect for all human life.

Elsie's House
We run Elsie's House, a maternity home in Lethbridge, a compassionate response to pregnant women and new moms that find themselves in challenging life circumstances.